The Call

Way back in 1976, a prophetess told me the following:

The Lord is going to take you to places you never dreamed possible. That which you are doing for Him now will grow into ministries you could not have imagined. Serve Him with all your heart and might.

At the time, I was in school and active in ministries such as SCA, YFC, Sunday School teaching, worship leading etc. After I left school, I always got involved wherever I could be of service.

Servicing my Heavenly Father and His people has always been a priority in my life.

Dead Sea Fear

Can you imagine the fear?… as you nervously step onto the sea-bed and walk through a valley with walls of water rising up on each side…think of those at the back of the crowd, looking around and seen Pharoah’s army approaching.  And then, the miracle happened – the sea started to close up again.  Maybe the Israelites saw the water and feared that they would also be swallowed up. And yet, this is how Father God had a plan and made the way of escape for His people the Israelites.  What a place to find oneself in!!

Are you feeling somewhat fearful of our current situation?  A global pandemic caused by something that cannot be seen?  Are you feeling overwhelmed by the things you hear and see?
Isaiah 55 v 8 & 9 says: For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

Suggestion:  Spend a few minutes recalling times when Father God has sorted out a difficult situation.  Remember when He blessed you with food or financial provisions when you were at your last?  Think of each and every family member and close friend whom you love dearly.  Count your blessings.

Prayer:  Father, as I count my blessings today, I thank You for each and every time when You have answered my prayers.  I thank You for family and friends, and for provision.  I confess that I am fearful. However, I trust that You have a plan for me which is far greater than I could ever imagine.