The Call

Way back in 1976, a prophetess told me the following:

The Lord is going to take you to places you never dreamed possible. That which you are doing for Him now will grow into ministries you could not have imagined. Serve Him with all your heart and might.

At the time, I was in school and active in ministries such as SCA, YFC, Sunday School teaching, worship leading etc. After I left school, I always got involved wherever I could be of service.

Servicing my Heavenly Father and His people has always been a priority in my life.

Namibia is Calling

The next EMIT visit to Namibia will take place July 2018.  My plan is to attend both the Empowering Women training and the Pastoral training institutes.

In James chapter 4 v 13 - 15, the Apostle Paul said:    " Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

The Lord has blessed me with the ministry in which I am participating. I have met many wonderful people and have made many new friends in East Africa and Namibia.

As South Africa and Namibia are neighbours, it takes a 2 hour flight to reach Windhoek from Cape Town. The sleep-liner bus trip takes about 20 hours to cover the distance, and is somewhat cheaper than flying. I also need to plan for the return trip.

"If it's the Lord's will..." I believe this is the will of God for my life, in this season. There have been many extreme sacrifices, loss and emotional upheaval to contend with, but I know the Lord has been with me every step of the way. (You can read about the Call I received from the Lord as a teen, elsewhere on this page).

If you are able to support this trip financially, please see the "Volunteer requirements" post in the right-hand column, to find out how you can assist.

Thank you so much.