The Call

Way back in 1976, a prophetess told me the following:

The Lord is going to take you to places you never dreamed possible. That which you are doing for Him now will grow into ministries you could not have imagined. Serve Him with all your heart and might.

At the time, I was in school and active in ministries such as SCA, YFC, Sunday School teaching, worship leading etc. After I left school, I always got involved wherever I could be of service.

Servicing my Heavenly Father and His people has always been a priority in my life.

Father God is Right Here With US

How much longer are we going to be required to linger?  What is actually going on in the world?  In some quarters, Covid-19 is considered evil.   There are many theories, opinions and accusations, none of which can be substantiated.  Others are asking:  “Where is God in all of this?”
Answer:  He is right here with us!!!

Romans 11 : 33 to 36  God’s riches are very great! His wisdom and knowledge have no end! No one can explain what God decides.  No one can understand His ways.  As the Scriptures say, “Who can know what is on the Lord’s mind?     Who is able to give Him advice?”  “Who has ever given God anything?     God owes nothing to anyone.”   Yes, God made all things. And everything continues through Him and for Him. To God be the glory forever! Amen.

Suggestion:  Take control of your thoughts about your current situation and the Corona virus.  Underline the above Scripture in your Bible, and memorise it.  Refer to it as a promise from Father God.  Remind yourself that His wisdom and knowledge have no end!

Prayer:  Thank you for Your riches, which we have in Christ Jesus.  Today I bring my thinking patterns before You.  Lord  please help me to remember that You are right here with us and in control.  In Jesus Name. Amen