The Call

Way back in 1976, a prophetess told me the following:

The Lord is going to take you to places you never dreamed possible. That which you are doing for Him now will grow into ministries you could not have imagined. Serve Him with all your heart and might.

At the time, I was in school and active in ministries such as SCA, YFC, Sunday School teaching, worship leading etc. After I left school, I always got involved wherever I could be of service.

Servicing my Heavenly Father and His people has always been a priority in my life.

Uganda Traffic

What an experience!!  Let me begin by saying that I have never seen so many motorbikes in my life, let alone on one street!!!  Fondly known as the boda-boda, these motorbikes rule the road.  They are the popular taxis, with driver plus one and sometimes 2 passengers.  They wind in and out of the traffic, from one side of the city to the other, delivering their customers to where-ever it is they need to be.  The balancing abilities of the passengers is amazing – many sit aside the boda-boda, and are busy texting on their mobile phones, while winging in and out of traffic.

Generally, the drivers of vehicles are very patient.  More often hooters are blown in greeting, rather than in warning.  Road-rage is not known.  Very few streets have markings and although there are street lights in place, most do not work, resulting in the streets been very dark.  “Rush-hour” occurs from very early morning until very late at night.  The traffic does not let up at all during the day.